Christmas Sponsorship Campaign CERVAS and RIAS - 2022

Every year, both wildlife rehabilitation centers run by ALDEIA Association - CERVAS (Gouveia) and RIAS (Olhão) - carry out a Christmas Campaign, which aims to be a mean of raising funds for the maintenance and management of the two wildlife rehabilitation centers.

By offering a sponsorship you will be contributing symbolically to the work of the two centers. Additionally, those who receive it will have an original and solidary gift that provides the possibility of participating in the release back to nature of the sponsored animal, among other.

Become an active member in the recovery of wildlife in Portugal!

NIB: 003503540003190733089
IBAN: PT 50003503540003190733089
(Caixa Geral de Depósitos de Gouveia)
* Send proof of transfer by e-mail to the address above mentioned, or by email to

For more information contact:
Tlm. 919457984

Merry Christmas!


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Devolução à Natureza de 1 morcego-negro em Gouveia