CERVAS is the Wildlife Ecology, Rehabilitation, and Surveillance Center
Located in the quiet town of Gouveia, CERVAS is a structure of the Natural Park of Serra da Estrela. It aims to detect and solve various problems associated with the conservation and management of wildlife populations and their habitats.
Since 2009, CERVAS is managed by the ALDEIA association, under the guidance of the ICNF (Institute for Nature Conservation and Forests in Portugal), and with the financial support of ANA - Aeroportos de Portugal SA, which through the "Business and Biodiversity" initiative has ensured the management of the center to this date.
Some of the lines of action of CERVAS are:
- Recovery of injured or debilitated wildlife;

- Promote environmental awareness through environmental education actions;
- The support and/or the carrying out of ecological and sanitary monitoring of the populations of wild animals;
Mainly, CERVAS is a wildlife hospital, whose job is to receive and treat wild animals that are found injured or debilitated for later return to nature, whenever possible in the place where they were found.
CERVAS also plays an essential role in the environmental education of the population, especially the younger generation, to the conservation of nature, promoting interest in the preservation and conservation of the country's natural heritage.
How to support CERVAS?
There are several ways to do it:
- Support through Donations
You can help the work of CERVAS by making a donation through bank transfer*(Caixa Geral de Depósitos de Gouveia):
NIB: 003503540003190733089
IBAN: PT 50003503540003190733089
* Send us the proof and your data (name, address, and fiscal number in Portugal) to cervas.pnse@gmail.com
- Support through partnerships
CERVAS does partnerships with entities/companies that share our goals and mission.
Do not hesitate to contact us!
- Through sponsorship and fundraising campaigns
Material Campaign
You can help us by donating some materials that you no longer need!
- Buying a special present in our shop
By purchasing any of the items that are on sale at the CERVAS shop you will be contributing to the continuation of the work done at the center.
Most of the products are handmade by technicians and volunteers from the center.
Give yourself and yours a special gift and help wildlife conservation!
(Just click on the image!)
For more information please contact us!
E-mail: cervas.pnse@gmail.com
Tel: 919457984